Starting A Recovery Program

Re:generation is a recovery program that puts Christ at the center of all healing and relies solely on God’s word as its authority and counsel. We are an authentic community of Christ-followers, relentless in helping each other experience intimacy with the Lord, and are committed to glorifying our Lord through regenerated lives. Re:generation focuses on Christ and invites participants to engage with Scripture, ultimately finding freedom from addictive behaviors, compulsive thinking and sin patterns.

At re:generation, we believe people can experience growth and new life by working through the healing path God has given us in the Bible. The mission of this biblically-based 12-step program is to call all people to be fully devoted followers of Christ. We have seen participants deal with, and heal from substance abuse, codependency, pornography, eating disorders, depression, emotional/physical abuse, anger, and obsessive thoughts.

We meet weekly for a time of worship/teaching/testimony. We then move into small groups. Participants will go into one of the following groups: First Timers (to learn about the program), Groundwork (this small group lasts 6-12 weeks for those wanting to move into the next phase), or a STEPS group (for those working through the 12 steps—this group last approx 9 months).

If you are interested in learning more about Re:gen, click on the button below:

If you’d like to visit and see Re:gen in action, please reach out to Amy Whitehouse at

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